Hi everyone. EarBuds Podcast Collective (Arielle) and Podcast Gumbo (Paul) are excited to tell you that we’re back for another round of #ShareYourBudsSunday!
Continuing with the spirit of International Podcast Month (#IPM2019), we encourage podcast fans to show their non-pod-listening friends and family how to listen to a podcast at any time during the month of September 2019. And then on September 29th, share your stories and photos on social media using #ShareYourBudsSunday.
Did you miss our first #ShareYouBudsSunday this past March? Have no fear – just keep reading.
You love podcasts but your friends and family have no idea what they are or how to listen to them. It’s aggravating because you know they’ll love them.
Instead of simply telling someone (yet again) about a great show, show them how easy it is to fill their ears with great stuff. Be their podcast guru for a day. Share your buds with a bud! Even Lisa and Bart Simpson are doing it!
- Download a podcast app to their mobile device and subscribe to a show. Download a great episode you’ll know they’ll love and listen to it together.
- Show them how to search for podcasts within the app.
- If listening on a computer is their preference, find a podcast’s website and play one of the episodes for them. If they love it, bookmark it.
If you want or need a great set of instructions, read this DiscoverPods article from our friend Catherine O’Brien.
Here is a list of some common apps. The Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts apps may already be loaded on their phones.
- Apple Podcasts (iOS only) (Instructions)
- Google Podcasts (Android only) (Instructions)
- RadioPublic (iOS and Android)
- Castbox (iOS and Android) (Instructions)
- Overcast (iOS only) (Instructions)
- If they use Spotify, they can also listen there. (Instructions)
Have fun with it. They’re your friends and family after all! If you need some help with a great podcast to share, look no further than our Podchaser playlist.
While you’re listening together, take a photo and share it on your favorite social media platform using the #ShareYourBudsSunday hashtag. Can you do better than these two people?
Follow us on Twitter (EarBuds and Podcast Gumbo) for things to share and retweet about the big event.
Use bit.ly/podsunday to link to this page to save those other characters for the good stuff.
For Podcasters and Influencers
If you’re a podcaster and want to help promote this day, please see below. If you’re someone in the industry, please feel free to contact me.
We would love to have you help us spread the word. Below is suggestive text to read on your show and share in your show notes. Feel free to change for your audience.
Audio Spot
On September 29th, it’s hashtag #ShareYourBudsSunday. Help your friends discover podcasts by listening to a great episode together. Take a fun photo together and share it online with the hashtag, #ShareYourBudsSunday. Share your buds with a bud! More details in the show notes of this episode.
Show Notes Text
On September 29th, it’s #ShareYourBudsSunday. Show a friend how to listen to a podcast and share a great podcast with them. For more information on #ShareYourBudsSunday, go to bit.ly/podsunday.