The Stereotypical Female Poker Player

I have no memory of ever playing poker versus a woman. I seriously doubt I have ever done so. And in a way, I’m pretty happy about that after listening to this Hidden Brain podcast episode. Please note that I’m an average player at best. By average, I mean probably winning 50% of games against my equally mediocre friends.

I’m not sure I’m going to spoil this episode if you don’t know what happens but why not take a listen first before reading on.

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Stop Using the Number 7

About a year ago, I discovered The Art of Manliness podcast and like many podcasts, I only listen to the episodes that sound interesting. Recently, the podcast interviewed Tim Ferriss. I bought Ferriss’ book, Tools of Titans awhile back and I thought it was quite good. More on this book in some other blog post. This interview had a couple of things that stood out to me but the main one was this:

When making decisions on things, rank them on a scale from 1–10. The catch is that you can’t use the number 7.

Now stop. Think about all the times someone has asked you to rank something on a 1–10 basis. Maybe it’s a movie or a book. How many times did you give something a 7?

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